Is NGI TALER a trustworthy alternative to Stripe and cryptocurrencies?

1- Yes, if it’s use is limited to your services, a license would not be needed. (this does not constitute legal advice, pls check for yourself for a definite answer)

2-1 If you happen to operate your exchange and you “sell” mojo token for people to spend on your plattform you probably need a banking partner only insofar that you need a business account for that. I am not sure whether this necessarily requires an integration with the bank directly. But again, this also depends on the juristiction that you are in and how exactly you service is structured.

I’ll be meeting with a potential important banking partner next Friday morning in order to talk about how to integrate Taler’s Exchange into Aipress24.From your opinion, what should be the good questions to ask ?

Hi Erick,
the most relevant point would be the interfaces offered by a potential banking partner, so that you can connect the GNU Taler Exchange with your bank account.
One way of doing that would be via EBICS (see 11.1. Nexus Manual — GNU Taler). Similar interfaces would work too, but would need integrational work.

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and experience shows that not all banks are cool with such services running on top of their accounts. So it would probably by a good idea to check that as well.

Thank you very much LeoW

Just to keep you informed. The executive of the French bank I met with last week seemed interested by our project of placing Taler at the heart of Aipress24. So he’s willing to introduce me to the CEO of their PSP subsidiary. I’m waiting for the go between.