Introduce yourself here


My name is Adrien PARROT. I’m member of InterHop association.
" promotes and develops the use of free and open-source software for health. brings together activists for open source software and self-managed use of health data at the local level."

We publish libre and opensource software for healthcare research.
In France, we install them on certified servers to offer them in SAAS mode to users.

In particular, we publish

  • the data collection form (eCRF) called Goupile. Here’s a presentation link and the proposal we made to NGO several weeks ago.
  • the decentralized data science software called Linkr. Here’s a presentation link and the proposal we made to NGO several weeks ago.

We really need help to continue developing software that contributes to open research and the creation of healthcare commons.


Hello @interhop ,

We are really happy to Welcome you here, in France, you are the main group that organizes for protecting our health data, a central concern for many people and this is visible by the sheer number of persons who also think your work is essential.

Regarding NGI TALER it is very important that you are here since as you might have seen Health and Inclusion are part of the verticals we need to integrate in the comming 3 years as GNU Taler becomes available in the EuroZone. We have a dedicated category Social Inclusion and e-Health where we can continue this conversation, we will also add you to the dedicated group.

We will follow up separately concerning the NGI0 proposals you mention.
TalerICH is also dedicated to support integration of GNU Taler in the free software tool chain, via the ongoing NGI TAler open calls (that follow the same model as those from NGI0) you will find more information in TALER Open Calls - TALER ICH helpdesk.
It would amazing if Goupille would integrate Taler paiements, to support privacy preserving payments.

Hey hi,

I’m Özgür, also known as oec or Oscar.

I’m a security consultant for 25 years and CEO of Code Blau GmbH, which is a boutique software security company and member of consortium of the NGI TALER project. We are responsible for various security aspects of TALER.

I also work on GNU Taler as part of the developer team and as part of my PhD in CS, trying to extend GNU Taler with privacy preserving features such as: age-restriction, escrow service and sealed-bid auctions.

I’m looking forward to engage with folks interested in using and contributing to TALER here!




I’m Hannes (he/him/they/them) - a software developer. I used to work in academia (doing formal proofs of software more than 10 years ago, using Coq and separation logic), but I’m really more into system engineering – making the world a safer, more secure and more resilient place.

Since roughly a decade I spend quite some time on MirageOS unikernels - basically rewrite network and security protocols from scratch in the memory-safe (and statically typed, and compiled) programming language OCaml. Since 2018 I do that with other people in the collective I sometimes write articles on my blog or our collective blog.

What brings me to GNU Taler is the idea (that we proposed to the NLnet call) to implement an exchange in MirageOS. The benefit would be a leaner code base (and usually we discover underspecifications and implementation bugs while redeveloping a protocol).


Hello everyone,
I’m Saverio from Italy.

I’m a fan of open source software and philosophy, and I personally do use extensively of open source solutions. I’m an entrepreneur at SD Companies and I have a strong background in Engineering and Technology. I’ve discovered Taler Project searching for new solutions in the payment eco-system.


Hi everyone,

My name is Mohamed Yousif, from Sudan. I’m interested in payment protocols which is a bit weird given that all of the hype now in AI and so.

I currently work to support Sudanese people affected by war, by giving NGOs by giving them access to technologies and tools (all open sourced) to help them securely disburse cash.

Long story short: I applied to NLnet grants and I was directed to this platform. I’m still discovering and reading about TALER and really super excited about the project, the effort and the community too.


Welcome @adonese great to read you herem your background and interests resonate well here,
If you can describe some sepcifics of your NGI Taler open call demand we could make a dedicated topic out of it and engage directly with it.

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Hello everyone !

Welcome to all newcomers! It’s great to have you here and to see the community growing. Could you browse the forum? There already are some very interesting discussions happening but considering how deep of a topic we’re addressing here, there are obviously still lots of issues to uncover…

For now the independent processing of the previous open call is still ongoing (no one here has a view over it until further publication), we hope you will get granted! Please tell us whenever you’ll reveive an update whatever the result so that we can exchange about them. By the way, have you seen that the 3rd open call is running until October 1st?

Even if your 1st application doesn’t get granted, it’s still possible to apply to the next ones: this Integration Community Hub is here for that: getting in touch altogether to share our projects and to help them happening. If no relevant topic about your issues already exist such as yours @adonese, feel free to open up a new one so we can invite people we know who could start to contribute to it.

Also @adonese, considering how much of an emergency your project is about, we hope you will find some support here before anything else! Please tell us if there’s anything we can do for that. We hope your loved ones are as safe as possible :pray:


Hi everyone !
I’m Mael (aka ShadeOW on internet)
I discovered this project in the context of a stage with “Hackstub” !
I’m a fan of free / open source software so I’m very enthusiast for this project, I hope it will be success !
I have read a part of the documentation of taler and I have 2 questions :

  1. At this par you say there are 2 differents back-end but why ? Wich differences there are between the backend of the public interface and the other backend ?
  2. At the same part, you say : “As a result, the frontend never has to directly communicate with the exchange, and also does not deal with sensitive data.” But how do you do that ?

Thank you and have a nice day !


3 posts were split to a new topic: Wallet-to-Wallet, “P2P” payments in GNU Taler

Hi everyone! My name is Brett Matthews, founder of My Oral Village, a Canadian design and research NGO.

We work on financial inclusion for the world’s ‘oral’ population (those mostly poorly-schooled adults who doubt the legitimacy of text as a way of communicating). We call our work ‘Oral Information Management’ as we draw on the strengths oral communities show in managing information, in order to build practical bridges to interfaces that process literate and digital information.

Other than reading The Cathedral and the Bazaar (excellent book) I can’t say I know a whole lot about this type of community, but definitely open to learning.

Our research shows that nearly a billion adults can’t read a number worth 100 euros in their own currency (e.g. about 10,000 rupees), much less a numerical date or an option menu. Even if they memorize one process, they have very little capacity to expand their repertoire independently in the ways that schooled adults automatically do. We’re starting a topic on this ‘oral information management’ and look forward to comments. This is related to other aspects of inclusion as well (e.g. people with cognitive or visual impairments).


Welcome @brett to TALER ICH!

I find your work at My Oral Village incredibly valuable, as it shows the limits of our current information model. I overheard you saying that the text-first approach to computing was “easy to address” and I’m looking forward to understand more about your Oral Information Management (OIM) approach!

The @i.myoralvillage group is ready for you to customize and invite your team members. In the next few days, we’re going to prepare together the TALER Oral Information Management category so you can enlighten us and follow up with the topic of creating user interfaces for TALER payments that are inclusive to so many people. Thank you for applying to NGI TALER Open Call, and congratulations on your selection!


Thank you for your generous welcome, Hellekin. Your words are too kind! I would not describe the challenge here as ‘easy to address’, nor do I feel well equipped to bestow enlightenment! I have tried to invite team members but I think you have to invite them to set up accounts here first, right? If you can send me your email I’ll send you the emails of team members I’d like to invite. Will that work?

Discourse trust levels are an effective mean to avoid spam. At first you start with a low trust level (TL0) which does not give you the possibility to create invitation links. After a few minutes of reading and responding, your trust level raises to ‘Basic user’ (TL1). Only after a few days, when you have reached TL2 (‘Member’) can you create invite links, so I sent one to you for your team in a private message so you can bring them aboard.

I’m Lionel Jeannerat. I manage company that develop the free libre software solution be-BOP (AGPLv3).
It’s a solution all-in-one, self-hosted for monetization. With be-BOP, you can create your own website, that can be e-shop and/or a physical point of sell. You can use it, to sell physical and digital goods, event-tickets, receive donations and manage crowdfunding campaigns… and lot more integrated features.
For the moment, our solution integrets this types of payments:

  • Cash
  • Stripe and Sum up for cards
  • Bitcoin onchain
  • Bitcoin lightning
    We are working to integrate typical African payment systems like Mobile money. We work with partners in RDC and Senegal.
    More informations on our website:

I manage a book publishing company too : PVH éditions. We are specialized in science fiction and fantasy books. We publish books under free licence : Creative commons BY SA/Licence art libre
Our website use be-BOP and you can watch it to see what could be a nice exemple of our solution:

We are based in Switzerland (Neuchâtel) but our team of both projects is in other francophonie too (France, Senegal, RDC and Belgium)

I’m coming here because I see an opportunity to add TALER payments in be-BOP.


Welcome @ludomire! I hope we can collaborate on this endeavour.

I would suggest 2024-09-18T15:00:00Z for a videoconference demonstrating be-BOP and introducing TALER payments in this context. If you have other preferences please share them. I’m suggesting this time because it comes a day after our team meeting at petites singularités, so it gives an opportunity to others to onboard this call; but I understand it might be a difficult time as well with regard to child care and such. You may use the poll feature (“Build Poll” in the composer’s :gear: menu).

Thanks for your answer,
I don’t find the build poll in the composer’s menu.
The 18 sept 17:00 don’t work for us :baby:
We can propose:

  • 18 September 2024 21:00
  • 19 September 2024 08:30
  • 19 September 2024 17:00
0 voters
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The link for the talk: