TiBillet | TiBillet

Je ne connaissait pas TiBillet mais il me semble que c’est la réponse à helloasso que je cherchais depuis longtemps…
Et ce serait un bon endroit pour introduire GNU Taler


Je suis particulièrement fan de leur initiative “Low Tech Open Hardware”, qui pousse à réutiliser des équipements qu’on a déjà.


This looks quite cool.

I already suggested a very similar functionality for the Odoo integration here: Taler-Odoo Payment System (TOPS) has been submitted to NLNet for funding - #4 by Kris

Since your software seems to be an Odoo fork, it would probably make sense to cooperate on this.

P.S.: It is a bit confusing to call the use of a distributed database (via blockchain technology) federation. I would suggest you to re-think your marketing strategy there a bit. I understand that blockchain has a bad reputation these days, but just calling it federation when it really is nothing like that is very misleading.