Handling the Integration backlog

Hi everyone!

Lots of free software projects would perfectly fit the goals of our open calls via nlnet.nl/taler and would be perfectly suited for a GNU Taler integration. But either we aren’t aware of them yet or the community around these projects is not aware of our project or does not have the developer capacity to engage in writing a proposal and doing the integration with their core team.

This integration backlog aims to collect projects that fit the mentioned categories above so we can hopefully match developers with projects, projects with our open calls etc. to get GNU Taler integrated into as many free software projects as possible, before GLS’s opens their gates and makes Taler publicly available.


Whatever the software, it’s important to keep in mind that only merchants located in one of the available regions can accept GNU Taler payments.

Please add your project if you need some support as the following:

Project Type Region Needs Announce contact
Forgejo Git forge Any Integration Manager, Dev Integration Backlog - #2 by Kris http://codeberg.org/
beabee Monetization N/D Dev Integration Backlog - #14 by sascha.foerster @sascha.foerster
CiviCRM CRM Any Integration Manager, Dev Integration Backlog - #5 by htgoebel
Alokai (ex-Vue Storefront) ecommerce Frontend any Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #6 by htgoebel
OpenOlitor agriculture ERP Germany Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #7 by htgoebel
juntagrico agriculture ERP Germany Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #7 by htgoebel
CSA-Admin agriculture ERP Switzerland Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #7 by htgoebel
Tapir agriculture ERP Germany Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #7 by htgoebel
Faircamp music store frontend Any Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #11 by Kris
MetaGer search engine Germany Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #12 by htgoebel
Liberapay tipping platform Any Integration Manager, Dev Liberapay, Ko-fi, Tipeee… What about GNU Taler?

Integration Managers

What is an Integration Manager exactly? GNU Taler is quite a complex system and NGI TALER has its own set of interactions to fund and support integration projects. Being an IM requires to have a good technical understanding of it all while being close enough to their Integration Project(s) to be an adequate interface between their own team and the GNU Taler’s and NGI TALER’s ones.

Their role is to ensure their team’s ability to complete the integration successfully:

  1. check that the project will be made available in your region and can comply with the regulatory constraints according to its location
  2. check with the team whether to use an existing Merchant Backend or to self-host one
  3. make sure to have an Integration Team ready to work consistently with the level of the grants
  4. write an application to the Open Calls for the software project
  5. coordinate the integration process with the NGI TALER progresses
Pseudo Availability Regions Introduction
Add your @pseudo here X days/week, from ? to ? GNU Taler Geographical Availability link to your introduction post on TALER ICH

Integration Developers

Integration Developers are technically capable of integrating the GNU Taler Backend API into the backend of their project.

Pseudo Availability Environment Introduction
Add your @pseudo here X days/week, from ? to ? Frameworks, OS link to your introduction post on TALER ICH

Merchant Backend Operators

Integrating GNU Taler in a project first requires a Merchant Backend server. Since GNU Taler Merchant Backend can be multi-tenant, one can either self-host it or simply use the API of an existing one. Merchant Backend Operators are sys admin knowledgeable with the whole GNU Taler architecture.

Pseudo Availability Environment Region Introduction
Add your @pseudo here X days/week, from ? to ? OS GNU Taler Geographical Availability link to your introduction post on TALER ICH


Sometimes you just need guidance or sound advice to help you cope better with the load of information. Helpers can provide those! They know the docs, the people, the architecture, the institutions, but they are not capable of playing the aforementioned roles. These are the people you can feel free to get in touch with throughout your integration process.

Pseudo Availability Speciality Introduction
@Ada full-time NGI TALER, Book sector Introduce yourself here - #2 by Ada

Forgejo would be a good candidate, similar to how Github has Sponsors integration.

The people behind it from Codeberg.org (a German non-profit) seem to be aware of Taler and were generally interested when I mentioned this on the Fediverse, but they seem to lack contributors willing to tackle this.


Ah okay, very interesting to hear. Thanks for sharing!

Another project that I know off and my initial reason to start this thread is beabee home - beabee.
It is a tool for “Community Relationship Management to run a community-first newsroom” which allows you to also set up a membership scheme with monetization (@sascha.foerster pls correct me if I am mistaken).
Here I also know that there is interest in an integration but missing resources to do it on their own.

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Another candidate is CiviCRM, which I know is used at several NGOs. Having TALER in there would support donating anonymously. List of experts - don’t get irritated by the ones near the top are USA-based. There are several in the EU, too.



  • Searching the web for “open source shop software” yields several " these are the best" listings.


Out of these, Vue Storefront might be interesting. It is just a frontend platform for headless commerce. It only powers the frontend, and users will need a separate solution to power the backend of the online store (e.g. Tryton). Thus when adding TALER here, many sops could profit regardless of the backend they use. (OTOH, if I 'd use a backend like Tryton, I don’t want to have the frontend handling payments.)

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A bit of a niche is software for community supported agriculture (Solidarische Landwirtschaft). Anyhow, these people might be open for non-capitalistic payment methods (please ignore the inherent contradiction).

  • OpenOlitor seems to integrate payment. Contact in Germany: sunu
  • juntagrico seem to include buying and recall shares online, which would require payment
  • CSA-Admin seems to be used in Switherland a lot. Seems to include a small online-shop.
  • For Tapir I have not clue whether they include payments (beside buying coop shares).

Source: Vergleich Solawi-Verwaltungssoftware :: Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft e.V.


Indeed CiviCRM would be a great candidate we are already in contact, will make sure they are aware of the open call rythm.

Please can you ask them to register on ICH we will then be able to support them and maybe think on ways to associate them with supporting interested people.

I do not know about them at all but we certainly can reach out


Oh thx, these seem super interesting! @Eleftherios @natacha

@LeoW , if useful, I had sent already a cold-email/reach-out message to them on April 2024. Used their hello@beabee.io email.


Might be another interesting software to have Taler support in.


The search provider MetaGer might be interested. Since September they offer search only paid, but without advertisements and - as they claim - anonymously. Anyhow (of course :slight_smile: the only anonymous payment method they provide is cash.

BTW: Are there alternatives like MetaGer in other countries?

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Indeed I also came across it and thought the same! By the way, did you see that earlier post by @how?

Hi @LeoW you are correct. The beabee team is open to developpers who want to integrate TALER into it.
Beabee is OpenSource: beabee · GitHub
We use it under https://abo.bonn.digital/join


  • send some currency with TALER to the community members.
  • so they can spent it for instance in small portions on articles read.
  • Or vote for projects in a kind of crowdfunding.

If someone is interested, I can help to get into contact with the dev-team directly! :slight_smile:


Hi everyone!

Liberapay was again in my mind lately and they to had the same situation.

So this thread is much appreciated and I summarized this thread in this table:


Project Type Needs Announce contact
Forgejo Git forge Integration Manager, Dev Integration Backlog - #2 by Kris http://codeberg.org/
beabee Monetization Dev Integration Backlog - #14 by sascha.foerster @sascha.foerster
CiviCRM CRM Integration Manager, Dev Integration Backlog - #5 by htgoebel
Alokai (ex-Vue Storefront) ecommerce Frontend Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #6 by htgoebel
OpenOlitor agriculture ERP Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #7 by htgoebel
juntagrico agriculture ERP Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #7 by htgoebel
CSA-Admin agriculture ERP Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #7 by htgoebel
Tapir agriculture ERP Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #7 by htgoebel
Faircamp music store frontend Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #11 by Kris
MetaGer search engine Integration Manager Integration Backlog - #12 by htgoebel
Liberapay tipping platform Integration Manager, Dev Liberapay, Ko-fi, Tipeee... What about GNU Taler?

@LeoW if you want, do you allow me to make your first post an editable wiki so that we can use it as a permanent summary where the table would stand?