Liberapay, Ko-fi, Tipeee... What about GNU Taler?

The list of crowdfunding, tipping and donations platforms is enormous. But all of them end up using Stripe or any other commercial payment service. What about GNU Taler in this ecosystem? Should we build yet another platform or should we work on integrating it into existing ones?

I think liberapay should be a priority for integrating Taler on the platform, as a Free Software project specifically designed to support such softwares and services using them. It’s a french organization cofunded by Changaco and Zatalyz.
Would anyone be already in touch with them or should I invite them here myself?


I finally got in touch with their main dev on mastodon: Ada LaNerd: "Hey ! Vous savez que l'al…" - Une fois pour TOOT! A Mastodon in Brussels
Which led him to raise an issue on their GitHub: Taler · Issue #1309 · liberapay/ · GitHub

If anyone is interested into it, he’s willing to work with someone else!


Doesn’t Librepay also use commercial payment softwares “under the hood” so to speak? I am hoping GNU Taler will be a free software replacement for software like PayPal, so we can use free software to exchange funds between bank accounts, I assume using ACH protocols like other payment processing softwares must do… but I am learning how these things work now. Thanks for any feedback/info.

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Hi @resl,
Welcome here!

I guess they have a proper access to their API since it’s required to operate transfers to an account.

:+1: so do we!

not exactly. GNU Taler can provide anonymous payments thanks to an intermediary between the payer and the payee (referred as the Exchange, that delivers tokens against euros - what we call “withdrawal” - before any transaction can happen). But there is still the possibility to perform Wallet-to-Wallet, “P2P” payments in GNU Taler.

I’m not familiar with ACH protocols but GNU Taler has it’s own API as you can discover it in the docs. Maybe you can have a look at the overview of GNU Taler documentation for more details?

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