The NGI TALER project aims to deploy GNU Taler across Europe (in the Eurozone). It’s co-funded by the HORIZON Programme of the European Commission.

NGI TALER Roadmap.pdf (314.2 KB)

:taler_circles: Taler/TALER ? 🤔 Disambiguation


→ March 2024

TALER ICH delivery to the community :taler_circles:

Time to join in the project!
The Integration Community Hub (ICH) allows Taler enthusiasts and Open Calls applicants to contribute and making it a usable payment platform in its first markets (verticals) in the Eurozone.


Open Call Deadline :date:

Part of the budget of NGI TALER (15% to be precise) is reserved for open calls to fund additional free and open source efforts that are aligned with the topics and approach of NGI TALER. We invite your contributions to help reshape the state of play of digital payment systems, and to help create an open, trustworthy and reliable internet for all.

The first Open Call of NGI TALER opened up on February 1st 2024, with a deadline of April 1st 2024 12:00 CEST (noon). On to the Open Call Helpdesk.

→ Spring 2024

Implementation in Basel, Switzerland via Netzbon :switzerland:

The local currency Netzbon allows trades inside a circular economy in the area of Basel, Switzerland. GNU Taler has been chosen for it’s digital implementation! By the end of spring, it should be ready to use.

→ June 2024

Data Management Plan :white_check_mark:

Set up DMP and ensure that it is dynamically maintained.

Security Audit Reports :clipboard:

Merchant backend and wallet core security analysis.

1st Open Call results :100:

Report on open calls sub-grant project results.

GNU Taler Releases :rocket:

Enhanced version of the GNU Taler software packaged for various platforms.

→ September 2024

Educational Materials :mortar_board:

Tutorials, lectures, slides and exercises targeting developers and students.

→ December 2024

Swiss Sandbox Report :memo:

Report on experiences from operating GNU Taler in Switzerland.

EUR GNU Taler payment :eu:

GNU Taler commercially and publicly operational in the Eurozone.

Design for Donations :red_gift_envelope:

First phase of the Free Software Supply Chain operation to enable individuals and organizations receiving donations via GNU Taler payments.

Assessment of quantum impact on GNU Taler protocol suite :woman_scientist:

Research results about the impact of quantum computing (QC) against the GNU Taler logics.

→ June 2025

A whole book economy gathered around Taler :books:

Why starting with books? The book supply chain goes from writers to booksellers through publishers, translators, illustrators, print shops, distributors in order to produce cultural artefacts for emancipation.

The independent publishing economy was also the first target of the global reseller that evolved into the predator of a huge part of the occidental general economy, ruling it more and more and crushing the independent chain in the process. We want Taler to become a decisive tool in the re-empowerment and autonomy of this sector.

Use case: Publisher

Publisher use-case :ps_editions:

The Éditions petites singularités_ start selling books using Taler payment as a community pilot. We’re going to share our methods and configuration files to help other publishers and bookshops get started as well, as we go. Altogether the independent book sector can really shape up new decentralized ways of dealing with books, promoting subsidiarity, leaving the initiative to local bookshops directly in contact with the reader, while providing them with order and shipping information from the publishers. The diffusion and distribution partners will be able to deal with more integrated communication with suppliers (publishers, printing shops…) and customers (bookshops, libraries…). That the publisher or the book seller make the sale is irrelevant: everyone in the cooperative chain will get their share. This contributes to building confidence and supporting local bookshops. Book lovers unite!

Les professionnæls francophones parmi vous peuvent utiliser LIRE.IM pour leur communication sur la Fée Diverse.

Integrated Banking Apps :bank:

GNU Taler commercially integrated with @visualvest, @GLS and @MAG banking apps.

Security Audit Reports :clipboard:

Merchant backend and wallet core security analysis.

GNU Taler Releases :rocket:

Enhanced versions of the GNU Taler software packaged for various platforms.

Dissemination and Outreach Report :memo:

Impact report on Presentations, Workshops, Conferences, Public Relation Activities and Standardization.

Taler Payments across the web :smiley:

Dozens of sites accept Taler Payments.

→ December 2025

HUF GNU Taler Payment Service :hungary:

GNU Taler commercially and publicly operational in Hungary.

Donation and Pledges Protoype :red_gift_envelope:

GNU Taler prototype is experimented for granting donations and pledges on @NLnet site.

Use case: Donation wallet

Donation Use case

Tired of micro-donations spread across so many platforms, some paid monthly, quarterly, yearly, some one-shot? Put money in your donation wallet and tip projects maintainers on-the-go.

2nd Open Call Results :100:

Reports on Open Call sub-grant project results.

GNU Taler Releases :rocket:

Enhanced versions of the GNU Taler software packaged for various platforms.

Assessment of quantum impact on GNU Taler protocol suite :woman_scientist:

Research results about the impact of quantum computing against the GNU Taler logics.

→ June 2026

A respectful e-health & social inclusion ecosystem ready for Taler :health_worker:

Health and Social Work are among the obvious starting points for liberation as they are obvious preys for Surveillance Capitalism. The pharmaceutical industry and insurance companies need the maximum of input about each other’s situation to rake profit from our most basic needs. As an anonymous payment system, Taler reduces the amount of data leak about our health expenses.

Gathering a community of caretakers and dependent people is also a necessary step to make Taler an accessible system.

Integrated Banking Apps :bank:

New banks roll out their implementation of Taler in their apps.

Usability studies :clipboard:

Accessibility & usability studies for various use-cases.

GNU Taler Releases :rocket:

Enhanced versions of the GNU Taler software packaged for various platforms.

Certified ! :smiley:

GNU Taler is certified and available widely.

→ December 2026

Operational System for Donations and Pledges :red_gift_envelope:

@NLnet use of GNU Taler in production.

Report on TALER ICH :taler_circles:

@ps-editions Report on uptake of GNU Taler by integration community. :ps_editions:

3d Open Call Results :100:

Reports on open call sub-grant project results.

GNU Taler Releases :rocket:

Enhanced versions of the GNU Taler software packaged for various platforms.

Assessment of Quantum Impact on GNU Taler Protocol Suite :woman_scientist:

Research results about the impact of QC against the GNU Taler logics.

Implementation of PQC Replacements :wrench:

Software implementation and evaluation of the most promising post-quantum cryptography (PQC) replacements.

Dissemination and Outreach Report :clipboard:

The final report of the project to assess the progress and usage of GNU Taler after the 3 years of the project.

→ All Along

FLOSS Supply Chain :computer:

Free, Libre, Open Source Software has paradoxically always missed a key tool in it’s economy: a FLOSS payment and donations platform. Taler is here to fix this. All along the process of integrating Taler into the first 2 verticals, community of maintainers will be invited to join in.